
  1. Accenture

    Application Development Associate


    • Spearheaded release and deployment of multiple application versions, overseeing all stages of the Software Development Life Cycle(SDLC) and achieved 20 % reduction in bug reports
    • Utilized Agile Methodology to enhance software development efficiency by 20%, driving daily Scrum meetings and Sprints, and coordinating with both onsite and offshore teams
    • Established design patterns to develop scalable software solutions improving system performance by 30%
    • Built robust server - side applications interacting with databases employing Spring Boot and Hibernate, decreasing data retrieval times by 15%
    • Mastered use of Spring Framework, integrating Controller, Service, Spring - WS, and DAO layers to create flexible application subsystems, resulting in a 25% improvement in code maintainability
  2. Gowri Software Solutions Pvt.Ltd

    Intern Trainee

    Gowri Software Solutions Pvt.Ltd

    • Spearheaded development of a blog account feature with authentication, enabling users to build, modify, and update content conveniently
    • Enhanced website functionality by 45%, enabling seamless display of posts updated by multiple users
    • Applied OOD/OOP and algorithm analysis to optimize code and improve application performance, reducing diminishing by 30 %
    • Delivered 15+ CI/CD pipelines operating Git, cutting down testing errors and increasing deployment frequency by 20 %
  3. Computer Society of India

    Student Member

    Computer Society of India

    • Actively engaged in workshops, seminars, and conferences organized by the Computer Society of India(CSI), demonstrating a commitment to continual learning and leading by example in technical skill development.
    • Took on a leadership role in providing logistical and organizational support to the teams responsible for events, workshops, or seminars, contributing to their overall success.
    • Spearheaded outreach initiatives aimed at increasing membership, targeting both students and professionals to foster a more vibrant and inclusive community within CSI.
    • Capitalized on the society's platform to create meaningful connections with professionals, academics, and peers in the computer science field, thereby fostering an environment of knowledge-sharing and mutual growth.